Feb 26, 2018
Joanie was at the 6th Annual Southeastern US Regional Drug Prevention Summit and interviewed several of the attendees. This podcast is an interview with Steve Collins Director of Central Florida HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program). He presented at the Summit about a report about marijuana and...
Feb 21, 2018
Obviously we struck a nerve with our outright condemnation of Kratom in our last episode. We want to let you know that we don't think Kratom is right or wrong. The main point is that it isn't fully researched and until that time, those people taking it are to some degree guinea pigs for the manufacturers of Kratom. ...
Feb 12, 2018
People are touting the new drug Kratom as the solution to Suboxone addiction, but did you know that Suboxone was touted as the solution to Methadone; Methadone to Heroin and Heroin to Morphine? Kratom is a drug. In fact the FDA has just labeled it as an opioid. Substituting one drug for another usually doesn't work. ...
Feb 7, 2018
There's really nothing new in the field of substance abuse and nothing that Narconon hasn't seen. Having said that some addicts are now cooking up meth in their own homes as an alternative to heroin but the highs and lows of meth are different. Bottom line, even though Jason has seen everything in terms of addiction,...