Oct 31, 2017
Drug Free America Foundation is fighting the good fight against drug abuse in this country. DFAF and it's sister organization - Save Our Society from Drugs (SOS) work to defeat drug legalization attempts; promote sound drug policies; and prevent drug use, abuse and addiction. This interview is with Deputy Director -...
Oct 23, 2017
There is an organization - Drug Free World - and they provide hard hitting, true information about drugs and why to avoid them. The booklets, DVDs, and teachers package are all free. This podcast is an interview with the President of Drug Free World Florida, Julieta Santagostino. She is passionate about educating...
Oct 17, 2017
This week's podcast is an interview with Pamela Seefeld. Pamela is a practicing pharmacist and pharmacognosy consultant. She offers natural solutions to things like pain. There is no question that chronic pain is debilitating and can be life threatening. With naturally derived, non-narcotic solutions, pain can be...
Oct 9, 2017
Started on psychiatric drugs at age 11, Christian moved to marijuana, opiates and heroin and by age 17 was shooting heroin. Christian just finished the Narconon program after several 12 step programs and is now clean, happy and ready to start helping others.
Oct 3, 2017
The opioid epidemic has spun off so many other "epidemics" that it is now being referred to as a syndemic. We have a syndemic in this country. Drugs are being used to "cure" addiction, which is just nutty. But there need to be alternatives for pain management because pain can be real. There is hope people. There is...