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The Addiction Podcast - Point of No Return

Aug 12, 2021

In 2013, Kim Bellas' 15 -year-old started having seizures. Like most teenagers, he enjoyed going to parties and socializing. A significant aspect of these parties was the consumption of alcohol, and her son was unable to drink due to his seizures.

As a mother, it was instinctive to make him happy by assuring him that alcohol wasn't necessary for him to enjoy himself. It IMMEDIATELY dawned on her how hypocritical she was being as she found herself frequently drinking wine.

To prove a point to her son, she stopped drinking for 3 months. The time went by quicker than she anticipated, and she decided to remain sober for another 3 months. Following 6 months of sobriety, she found myself happier than she had been in a while. What started as an example for her son became something she decided to commit to for her son and herself.

It's now 2021, and she has been sober for 8 years.

Her goal is to demonstrate that a SOBER LIFE is an exhilarating one, and anyone can reap the benefits.

Sober is the new cool –