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The Addiction Podcast - Point of No Return

Oct 29, 2020

Darren Prince is a prominent sports and celebrity agent and global advocate for addiction and recovery. Through his agency, Prince Marketing Group, he represents icons such as Magic Johnson, Hulk Hogan, Charlie Sheen, Dennis Rodman, Chevy Chase and the late Muhammad Ali - to name a few. However, he will tell you that...

Oct 22, 2020

Joanne Peterson is the Founder and Executive Director of Learn to Cope (LTC), a non-profit, peer-led support network established in 2004. Ms. Peterson’s journey started when she was a young girl, as her siblings experienced issues with addiction. Years later, when Ms. Peterson discovered that her own son’s...

Oct 15, 2020

Thomas "Hollywood" Henderson is probably one of the most flamboyant NFL players in recent history. However, his lifestyle led him into full blown addiction. Now sober for almost 37 years, he's reaching out to help others. He is speaking in prisons, churches, AA meetings and basically, to anyone who might benefit from...

Oct 8, 2020

Britt Barker had a good upbringing, a stable family. But he wanted to try alcohol and drugs; and so went down the road to addiction. He was arrested a few times and went through several rehabs. Finally sober since July 2015, he is making music and has released his first solo EP - Trust under the stage name Catch...

Oct 1, 2020

There is a fine line between enabling a loved one who is an addict and giving up on them. Michelle Weidenbenner is a mom whose son is a recovering addict. She has dealt with all that means including becoming guardian of his two daughters. She did what she had to do and discovered the difference between letting go...