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The Addiction Podcast - Point of No Return

May 31, 2018

After much research, some experts now disagree that addiction should be labeled as an actual "disease", but rather is a false assertion prompted and pushed by pharmaceutical companies to sell more product. Mostly resulting in substitution one drug for another in rehab. This episode is an interview with Nick...

May 24, 2018

Morphine was supposed to handle opium. Heroin was supposed to handle morphine. Meth was supposed to handle heroin. Each 'cure' turned into their own addiction.There is a 150 year history including marketing heroin for 'fussy' babies. We interview David Aden, the managing editor of Center for the Study of Drug Addiction...

May 17, 2018

Nicole Donofrio heard our podcast and wanted to tell her story.She  grew up with an alcoholic father and then later in a relationship with an alcoholic.  She experienced abuse and at first made excuses, but finally realized she had to do something. Now she has a Facebook Group with more than 2400 members and through the...

May 10, 2018

Austin's story starts in Georgia at the age of 12, smoking pot. Soon graduated to a life on meth. Burglaries and prison and eventually losing his wife and infant.  Austin will shortly complete the Narconon program and asked to tell his story in the hope of helping others. His story will move you.

May 4, 2018

We have talked about how marijuana is a gateway drug.  This podcast discusses a study in Florida about how alcohol may be a worse gateway drug but in the end - does it really matter?  If someone gets onto heavy drugs from either alcohol or marijuana - the problem of addiction results.